The Senshi of the Moon

Sailor Moon ~ Princess Serena ~ Neo-Queen Serenity ~ The Light of Hope

Tuskino Usagi - Serena - "Bunny"

      Usagi... What can you say about Usagi? Anyone who has seen the cartoon or read the manga at least once is aware that this title character is no ordinary hero. She is a young adolescent girl full of the usual things... clumsiness, a love for food and sleeping, as well as constant crushes on boys. Quite whiny and lazy, Usagi is not what one would expect. Despite all her faults she is a lovable girl who saves the world with her own special style of justice. 
     In another world a lifetime ago, she was a princess on the moon. Her world destroyed by the negaverse, Usagi was reincarnated in modern Tokyo, just in case the ancient evil should return. By day she is Bunny... a sweet schoolgirl who loves rabbits, the colour pink, and playing video games. When a crisis arises she is Sailor Moon, sworn defender of love and justice. While she may appear a tad childish and immature to some, she does grow up quite a bit throughout the series and is never quite so naive in the manga.