The Gold Queen and Legendary Senshi

Sailor Galaxia

Horie Mitsuko

     Sailor Galaxia... my favourite villain of all... =). I'm going to save you the usual spiel about legends and whatnot and get to the point. Galaxia was once the most powerful Senshi ever. She killed the evil Chronos by absorbing him into her body. Unfortunately this caused her to become spoiled and rotten... like a fruit with a disease in it's core. Thus began her rampage across the galaxy to collect star seeds. In the Anime she sends out her own star seed, ChibiChibi, to find the light of hope. In the Manga she does not do this... but still tries to take over and kill everyone one. Then along comes Usagi who saves the day and Galaxia leaves with all the star seeds to reincarnate them and everyone lives happily ever after until the next villain comes along.